15 Feb

Should Adults Get Vaccinations?

Vaccinations aren’t just for young children who are building their immune system. They also offer a simple yet effective way for adults to safeguard their health and prevent dangerous illnesses. These three are a few of the most important vaccines for adults to consider. 

The Flu Shot

This is the most common vaccination that adults receive. The flu shot is a vaccine that contains an inactivated form of the influenza virus. This allows the body to be introduced to the virus in a safe way that helps the body develop antibodies necessary for protection against infection. 

Since the flu is most common in the winter months, the CDC recommends vaccination by the end of October to give the body time to develop antibodies. This shot is especially important for older Americans who might have weaker immune systems and suffer more from the symptoms and complications of the flu. 

Even if the flu shot does not prevent the flu entirely, it can minimize symptoms and make recovery easier. 

The Shingles Vaccine

Shingles is a cousin of the chickenpox that is actually caused by the chickenpox virus remaining inactive in the body for years or decades. It returns to cause shingles, which are even worse than chicken pox. Shingles are painful and bring severe rashes that cause itching, tingling, flu symptoms, and possible lasting nerve damage. 

Anybody who ever had the chickenpox virus is at risk of shingles, so it is recommended that all adults receive this vaccination by age 60. Like the flu shot, even if the shingles vaccine does not entirely prevent the shingles, it will minimize symptoms and accelerate recovery. 

Tdap Vaccine

Tdap, which stands for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, is a combination of illnesses that the Tdap vaccine protects against. Tetanus is a rare condition that causes painful muscle stiffness, diphtheria leads to breathing problems, and pertussis is the formal name of whooping cough. 

Overall, the Tdap vaccine protects children from any of those illnesses, and it is critical that adults receive the vaccine if they did not as a child. Pregnant women also need to receive a Tdap vaccine again to protect their newborn babies from pertussis, especially since infants are at risk for severe and deadly complications from the whooping cough. 

With the protection offered by these three vaccines, adults can remain happy, healthy, and thriving. Call (727) 525-0900 today to speak with Dr. Kavita Rao and her team about the best vaccination schedule for your health.