15 Aug

Why Having One Chronic Disease Management Practitioner Is Vital to Patient Outcomes

When you have one or more chronic illnesses, it can be very frustrating, time consuming, and difficult to stay organized with doctors’ appointments and medications. One of the best things you can do to help you keep things straight and to make sure all of your needs are being met, is to have one chronic disease management healthcare professional that can monitor everything about your health in one picture.

Having one doctor that communicates with all of your specialists has a lot of big advantages that equate better patient outcomes, including better pain management. Here are a few.

Medication Interactions

Medication interactions can be deadly, but they are more common than you might think. About 128,000 patients die each year due to medication interactions. Your doctor, pharmacist, and nurse all work together to try to ensure that there are no interactions, but the only way to make sure there is never a dangerous risk is to have one medical practitioner that reviews and maintains all medications in one overview.

Chronic Pain Management

When you have chronic pain from more than one source, it can become very difficult to treat and improve your quality of life. Chronic disease management can and should include holistic pain management.

Discovering Side Effects or New Symptoms

Having one doctor familiar with your entire health picture and in contact with all of your doctors and specialists can help you get the best care possible. When side effects or new symptoms arise, we can use your entire healthcare picture to determine likely causes and communicate those to the appropriate doctor.

If you need someone to help you manage your chronic illnesses, contact us today to schedule an appointment.