The Importance of Preventative Screenings

One of the founding principles of Western medicine in recent years is prevention. The healthcare system has finally recognized the truth of the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In fact, preventative screenings and physical examinations are a great way to make sure that you remain healthy and live a long and fulfilling life. Here are some of the reasons you should be getting regular preventative screenings.
Warning Signs
Preventative screenings for metrics such as cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose, and others are important because they can be warnings of worse health to come if you do not change your lifestyle. If you have these screenings done on a routine basis, an elevation in the numbers can be an indication that something needs to change before it becomes a problem. This gives you a chance to take these warnings for what they are and make lasting lifestyle changes that will improve and protect your health.
Early Detection
It is true that some medical conditions require lifelong treatment, but that doesn’t mean that you should put off discovering the condition or getting treatment started. In fact, even conditions such as hypertension or diabetes can be more easily treated if they are caught early. When the problem becomes so exacerbated that it causes severe and limiting symptoms, it may be harder to get the problem under control to protect your health. Regular preventative screenings help your doctor have more treatment options.
If you have not had a physical or health screening in the last year, now is the time to correct the oversight. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.