27 Jul

The Ultimate Guide to Preventative Health Care

Preventative health care is a critical aspect of maintaining not just your own overall well-being, but also the well-being of society. The Institute of Medicine estimates that missed preventive healthcare opportunities cost the United States $55 billion every year, and this amount is rising. Preventive health care involves taking proactive steps to prevent diseases, detect health issues early, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here at Dr. Kavita Rao’s clinic in St. Petersburg, Florida, we believe preventive health care is a powerful tool to improve your health and financial outcomes. In this post, we will explore the importance of preventative health care, the various services we offer, and how you can benefit from them. Read More

25 Jun

7 Practical Tips Patients Should Follow to Manage Chronic Diseases

Chronic Disease ManagementManaging chronic diseases can be challenging. Chronic diseases often affect parts of the patient’s lives they never imagined, making what used to be simple tasks more difficult. However, with some proven strategies, patients can improve their quality of life and maintain better control over their symptoms. Here are seven of these strategies that patients should follow to manage their chronic diseases effectively. Read More

30 May

The Benefits of Preventive Medicine

Preventive medicine is a proactive approach to healthcare that emphasizes the prevention of illness and the promotion of health and well-being. By focusing on early detection, health maintenance, and disease prevention, preventive medicine offers numerous benefits for individuals and communities alike. In this post, we’ll explore these benefits in detail and show where to get help in Tampa Bay. Read More

28 Apr

Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue You Shouldn’t Ignore

Have you found yourself battling unexplained symptoms of exhaustion and stress? These signs might be attributed to a condition that is often overlooked: adrenal fatigue. While not officially recognized as a legitimate medical condition by all in the medical community, the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue are very real to those affected and can significantly impact one’s quality of life. In this post, we’ll go over the common symptoms of adrenal fatigue and when you should see a doctor. Read More

30 Mar

What Does A Stool Test Show?

Here in Tampa Bay, health and wellness are a top priority for many residents. Our tropical, sun-kissed setting draws in a variety of people, including athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, and health fanatics. These individuals work hard to make sure their minds and bodies are in great shape, but what happens when digestive issues or other unknown problems challenge their active lifestyles? While many tests and diagnostic procedures are capable of shedding light on internal function, one of the best and most insightful tests is a stool test. In this post, we’ll explain what a stool test is, what it tests for, and how to get one here in Tampa Bay. Read More

23 Jan

Lifestyle Tips for Chronic Disease Management

If you have a chronic disease, you know that managing it requires many changes, constant care, and dedicated attention. Here in sunny St. Pete, Dr. Kavita Rao and her team know the importance of proactively managing chronic diseases. Dr. Rao’s approach to chronic disease care involves patient-centered strategies to help patients make the necessary lifestyle changes and medical treatment to improve their condition. In this post, we’ll go over what chronic disease management is and some of the most common lifestyle changes that we suggest for our chronic disease management patients. Read More

23 Dec

When Should You See an Internal Medicine Doctor?

Internal medicine doctors, often referred to as internists, are pivotal in the healthcare system, specializing in the management of diseases and providing comprehensive primary care services. With their in-depth understanding of adult medicine, internists like Dr. Kavita Rao in St. Petersburg and Largo, Florida, play a crucial role in diagnosing, treating, and preventing a wide range of health issues.  Read More

25 Nov

Benefits of Seeing a Doctor Who Practices Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is a crucial branch of medicine primarily focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases in adults. This field covers a wide range of conditions, from general health concerns to complex diseases, making internists highly sought-after healthcare providers. Dr. Kavita Rao, practicing in St. Petersburg and Largo, Florida, specializes in disease management and primary care, offering comprehensive care for Tampa Bay area patients. This article will explore the benefits of consulting with an internal medicine specialist like Dr. Rao. Read More

28 Oct

When Should You See an Internal Medicine Doctor?

In today’s fast-paced world, health often takes a backseat. However, it is crucial to understand that primary care is the cornerstone of good health. Internal medicine doctors, also known as internists, play a vital role in disease management and primary care services. But when should you actually see an internal medicine doctor? This post will shed light on this question, backed by medical studies and research. Read More

26 Sep

When Should You See an Internal Medicine Doctor?

Regular health check-ups are essential for maintaining optimal health and catching potential health issues early. Internal medicine doctors, often referred to as internists, general practitioners, or primary care providers (PCPs), play a pivotal role in adult healthcare. They are equipped to diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of adult diseases, ensuring you remain in the best of health. Read More