Why You Should Take Advantage of Our Patient Portal
Learning a new web app can be a bit frustrating for some, but it really is worth the effort to use our patient portal. The new patient portal was designed to help you monitor, track, and coordinate your health. Here are just a few of the benefits and features of our patient portal.

Manage your own health on your own time
The patient portal lets you see all of your scheduled appointments, your previous appointment history, and records of the reasons for a visit or the treatment administered. You can also schedule an appointment, post a question for the doctor or nurse, and request medication refills.
Increased privacy in delivery of test results
Are you worried about someone overhearing your conversation about test results? We can’t send test results by email or leave a detailed message on your phone. If you want to get your test results in a more private manner, the patient portal allows for this communication.
Built on the Healow App
Healow is a great app that allows you to track your entire patient health record and coordinate care across multiple doctors. If you see any specialists or doctors beyond your primary care physician, this is a great way to help you keep track of everything, as well as keeping all of your doctors in the loop. Of course, not all patient portals are compatible with the app.
If you need assistance setting up or using the patient portal, feel free to contact us for assistance.