10 Sep

This Flu Season, Steer Clear of Nasal Sprays

sick-at-workWhen the summer season gives way to fall and winter, the flu season start to simultaneously rear its ugly head. Though the flu is merely an uncomfortable inconvenience for most people, it can actually prove fatal to young children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all able Americans receive a flu shot each fall to minimize the potential for an outbreak. Read More

20 Aug

The Truth about Antibiotics

43656399 - prescription drugs - antibioticsAmericans have an interesting relationship with antibiotics. We rely on them to alleviate a number of conditions, but we worry about antibiotic resistance and largely criticize farmers who use antibiotics on their animals. It begs the question, are antibiotics good or bad?

What Are Antibiotics?

An antibiotic is a medication meant to slow down and destroy the growth of bacteria in the body. A great deal of bacteria in the body is good and even necessary for health, but the bacteria targeted by antibiotics is known to cause infections like meningitis, salmonella, sinusitis, and many more. The antibiotics essentially slow the bacteria down enough that the body’s natural defense mechanisms can then step in and finish the healing process. Read More

10 Aug

Tough Decisions in Miami Due to Zika

39931189 - mosquitoes swarming and dlying in the airMany months have passed since the Zika virus started triggering international health concerns, and unfortunately the situation seems to be getting worse instead of better. Florida has now officially joined the ranks of other foreign cities with internal Zika infections. Two domestic cases of Zika were just confirmed in Miami-Dade County, leading the Department of Health to implement many preventative and protective measures.

Prevention in Schools Read More

20 Jul

What Exactly is Gluten and Why Does it Matter?

grainGluten has been the hot topic word in health and wellness for years now, but it can be tricky to understand where to find gluten and exactly how it interacts with the body. Many people, like those with Celiacs Disease, must avoid all gluten for specific health reasons, while others cut gluten out due to a sensitivity or desire to feel cleaner.

What is Gluten? Read More

10 Jul

These Athletes are Saying NO to Rio

44521124 - illustration of zika virus word with mosquitoThe 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games are just about upon us, beginning Friday, August 5th and wrapping up on Sunday, August 21. Sadly, the Olympics has been shrouded in controversy for a long time now, first due to the spread of the Zika virus and later due to other issues of safety. Now more athletes are boldly stating they are withdrawing from the Olympics due to the threat of Zika.

The Zika Basics

The Zika virus is currently circulating in more than 45 countries and territories. As a mosquito-borne disease, this virus is particularly dangerous because an infection during pregnancy often leads to a birth defect called microcephaly, in which an infant is born with brain damage and an abnormally small head. The virus can be tricky, because the majority of infections are mild and go unnoticed by those affected. The symptoms that do present themselves in 20 percent of cases include joint pain, red eyes, rash, and fever. Read More

20 Jun

The Keys to Battling Depression

11685180 - sad mature woman on bed with her husband in the background

Thanks largely to social media, we now live in a society where a large portion of our time is spent scrolling through the accomplishments of others and feeling jealousy over the lives that we deem better than our own. Job- and money-related stress and anxiety is now more prevalent than ever before as we try to juggle the demands of family, work, friends, and self together in an increasingly fast-paced world. Given all of this, it’s no wonder that depression has become so much more prevalent. Read More

10 Jun

Getting Older Doesn’t Have to Mean Becoming Weaker

exercise heartThe body’s muscles play a vital role in health and wellness, and until the age of 30 they continue to grow longer and stronger. However, as you approach the big 4-0, your muscles will slowly but surely lose some of their mass and function. This occurs at an accelerated rate if you are inactive, but can still impact you if you’re physically fit. It’s an age-related trend called sarcopenia, but fortunately it can be prevented and minimized with certain exercise and diet choices. Read More

20 May

Suffering from Tension Headaches? Read This Now

headacheWe live in a world wrought with tension and stress. Between demanding jobs, mounting financial obligations, and other personal issues, there are few people in America who can say they make it through the day without feeling a bit overwhelmed. One of the most common results of this stress is the tension headache, a headache of moderate pain that causes the head to feel like a tight band is being pulled around it. If you know this feeling well, there are steps you can take to alleviate your pain in the future.

Signs of a Tension Headache Read More

10 May

The Baby Aspirin Controversy

baby aspirinBaby Aspirin has become viewed by many older Americans as a “panacea” that offers all-encompassing protection against heart attack, stroke, and other dangerous conditions. For many years, this mindset was supported by nearly every medical community, particularly the U.S Preventive Services Task Force, who all endorsed the use of baby aspirin  for men aged 45-79 and women aged 55-79. However, as with all medical recommendations, the support for baby aspirin has altered in 2016.

The Support for Baby Aspirin

The most recent buzz about baby aspirin actually doesn’t relate to heart attacks or strokes at all. Instead, men and women between the ages of 50 and 59 can take a baby aspirin of 81 mg daily to lower their risk of colon cancer. It’s recommended that these men and women only use baby aspirin if they have risk factor for heart disease like family history, smoking, being overweight, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Read More

20 Apr

The Dangerous Problem with Children’s UTIs

sick childUrinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are usually associated with adult women, but children are prone to UTIs as well. It has come to the attention of doctors and researchers that kids’ UTIs are becoming resistant to antibiotics, a problem that is very concerning given the potential of a pediatric UTI to damage the kidneys.

Basic Information about UTIs

Bacteria can sneak into the urethra and cause infection in the urinary tract, and this commonly occurs in children when they “hold” their urine instead of going to the bathroom or neglect proper hygiene. UTIs are more prevalent in young girls since it often takes time for girls to learn to wipe from the front to the back after they’ve gone to the bathroom. Wiping back to front brings all of the bacteria to the urethra and greatly increases the risk of UTI. Read More