21 Apr

Proper Management of Emphysema

Emphysema is a disease that progressively damages the alveoli in the lungs. Signs and symptoms of this disease are shortening of breath, wheezing and coughing. But once the disease is diagnosed, it is possible for one to live a relatively natural life with proper care and management. These are some of the health management methods for emphysema. Read More

07 Apr

The Benefits of Preventative Health Screenings

In today’s busy world, most people are not seeking out medical attention, until they begin to experience the signs and symptoms of a serious disease. However, chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer are responsible for the majority of deaths in the United States. Many of these conditions can be prevented through regular screenings and doctor visits, or otherwise detected early, before they pose a serious threat.  Read More

17 Mar

The Lowdown on Internists: Don’t All Doctors Treat What’s Inside?

‘What’s an internist’ is perhaps one of the most common questions that Dr Kavita Rao and her team get asked! Firstly, an internist is not to be confused with an ‘intern’. Unlike interns, who are trainee doctors in their first year of study, an internist has years of extensive training and knowledge.

Internist: What is it?

An internist, or internal medicine physician, is a specialist doctor, who uses both medical knowledge and clinical expertise to diagnose, treat and care for adults with a wide range of health conditions. Read More

03 Mar

Who Trained Your Doctor? The Importance of Board Certification

Most people, when searching for a doctor, know how important it is to find a practitioner who is licensed. However, the word ‘license’ is somewhat misleading. Just because a doctor holds a license doesn’t actually mean that they are necessarily qualified to practice certain medical specialties.

What does this mean exactly? It means, in its simplest terms, that when you visit a licensed doctor for surgery, medical assistance or any other form of treatment, the license itself doesn’t guarantee that they’ve had the right level of training to carry out the procedure to the highest standards. Read More

19 Feb

Assessing the Benefits of Vaccinations

There is a pretty good reason why vaccinations are highly recommended, not only are they effective, but they can save you from a lot of medical problems later on. However, there are controversies surrounding the vaccines that are used to treat diseases before they ever have a chance of occurring. Rest assured they are not as harmful as they seem. These vaccines in fact aid you in living a healthier life than ever before. That being said, here are a few more reasons why you need to get vaccinated today. Read More

05 Feb

Who Needs Preventative Health Screenings and Why?

There is no doubt that the cost of healthcare has increased exponentially over the years. This gives you more than enough reason to make sure you are healthy and fit. Unfortunately, even though you have the best intentions at heart, serious health issues can arise regardless of any and all precautionary measures being in place beforehand. However, with the help of preventive health screenings, you can have a better understanding of your health and whether you are at the risk of medical conditions like heart attacks or a stroke. Read More

16 Jan

Common Blood Pressure Medications… and Their Side-Effects

There are several blood pressure medications available on prescription; in fact, an overwhelming array for people to choose from. If you want to lower your blood pressure, and are unsure which medicine to select, here’s a helpful guide, outlining some of the most common types of medication and their side effects.

Blood Pressure Medication and Side Effects

  • Atenolol. Atenolol is a beta blocker; which acts to block certain chemicals within the body, lowering heart rate and blood pressure. The most common side-effects associated with this drug are light-headedness, fatigue and nausea. Severe symptoms are rare, but can include fainting, depression and even heart failure.
  • Lisinopril. Lisinopril is an ACE inhibitor, and targets blood vessels, causing them to relax so that blood can flow more easily. However, it’s not without its side-effects. Common complaints include headache or dizziness, though this generally disappears after a short period of time. More serious side-effects can include: fainting, irregular heart-beat, severe stomach pain and even liver problems.
  • Nebivolol. Nebivolol is a commonly used beta-blocker. Occasionally, users of this medication may experience nausea, headache, slower heartbeat and insomnia. It’s unlikely you’ll encounter any severe side-effects, but there have been rare cases where users have experienced worsening asthma, and symptoms of heart failure.
  • Valsartan. Also used to protect from kidney damage, Valsartan is an ARB, or angiotensin receptor blocker. This works by helping the blood vessels to relax, enabling blood to flow more easily. The most important thing to be aware of with Valsartan is that it can cause serious harm to unborn babies, and can even result in fetal death. In addition to this, it’s fairly common to experience mild dizziness whilst your body becomes acclimatized to the drug.
  • Hydrochlorothiazide. Hydrochlorothiazide, more commonly known as Microzide, acts as a diuretic, helping the body to flush through salt more efficiently and reduce the risk of heart disease. The most serious risk associated with this medication is dehydration, and it’s important to drink enough fluids when taking it. You may also experience upset stomach and dizziness, though this should only be temporary.

More Questions? Speak to a Cardiovascular Specialist

If you’re about to start taking new medication, it’s important that you know about the side-effects, as well as the benefits. Ask your doctor or cardiovascular specialist, and make sure you make an informed decision when it comes to your health.

11 Jan

Lifestyle Changes That May Help to Lower Your Cholesterol

Most people know that it’s important to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol, but not quite so many people understand why. Cholesterol is actually a vital substance within the body, and offers a range of benefits, including assisting with the production of vitamin D and helping the body to produce specific hormones.

However, too much cholesterol can spell bad news for your health. If your levels of cholesterol are high, your arteries can become clogged, increasing the risk of heart disease and heart attack.

If you’re worried about your cholesterol, here are some useful tips to help you keep it at a healthy level.

Useful Lifestyle Changes to Promote Healthy Levels of Cholesterol

  • Choose the right foods. Limit your intake of saturated fats (often found in dairy products and red meat) and eat more monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, nuts and leaner meat; as these types of food actively help to lower cholesterol. Likewise, eat wholegrain foods, plenty of fruit and vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3s; such as walnuts, oily fish and flaxseeds.
  • Lower your weight. If you’re overweight, it’s far more likely that you’ll have higher cholesterol. Focus on shedding the excess pounds by substituting unhealthy foods in your diet for healthier ones. Aim to increase how much exercise you undertake each week. Even climbing the stairs to the office each day instead of taking the elevator can make a difference.
  • Cut smoking. The health problems associated with smoking are already well publicized; and the fact that cigarettes raise cholesterol is yet another great reason to quit. Remember that there are support groups in your local area that can help you achieve this.
  • Cut down your drinking. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with drinking in moderation, consuming a significant amount of alcohol on a regular basis increases your risk of developing heart disease. Aim to limit your intake to one or two drinks a day at the most.

If you’re still concerned…

If you’re still worried about your cholesterol, make sure you book an appointment with your doctor or local cardiovascular specialist, who will be able to provide you with a thorough health check and offer alternative ways in which you can keep your cholesterol at a healthy level.