What Traits Make a Good Internal Doctor
An internist is just one of the several types of primary care doctors that you have to choose from. Internists don’t just focus on one part of the life cycle or one disease. Your internist will coordinate your care and help you find healthy solutions that will improve your health and address any conditions.

But what makes a good internal doctor?
Communication is one of the most important factors when choosing a doctor. You need a doctor who will be able to communicate your diagnosis and treatment options in a way that you can understand. If you have difficulties with science related subjects, you may need a doctor that can really break things down, and not all of them are able.
Your doctor should be knowledgeable enough in your conditions to be able to know what you are going through. Even though they haven’t been through it themselves, your doctor should be in a prime position to express empathy and help you find solutions that you can live with.
Everyone requires different levels of privacy. Some patients feel the need to be as covered up as possible during any examination or treatment. Other patients might have little to no modesty and have no problem stripping down, with or without a gown, and, of course, we see patients of every level in between. A good internist will be respectful of modesty and boundaries and will always ask before touching you or administering treatment.
Need a good primary doctor? Contact us today for an appointment.