10 Apr

Pancreas Cell Transplants for Severe Diabetes on the Horizon

pancreasDiabetes has become an epidemic in America, with about one million Americans suffering from Type 1 diabetes. A brand new study has now transformed the mindset regarding diabetes treatment in the United States and supplied diabetes patients with new hope regarding lasting health and wellness.

A Brief Introduction to Type 1 Diabetes

Also known as juvenile diabetes, Type 1 diabetes is a chronic medical condition that prevents the pancreas from producing the insulin needed to transform sugar into cellular energy. Most people are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at a young age, though it is not uncommon for it to appear in adults. Read More

20 Mar

The Alzheimer’s Basics

brain injAlzheimer’s is a devastating disease that is beginning to impact more and more of America’s elderly citizens every year. Understanding the warning signs and stages of this dementia is important to attain timely treatment for any loved one who may be struggling.

What is Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s is a specific form of dementia that causes significant memory, thinking, and behavior problems. It’s not a disease that occurs with the flip of a switch, but rather a slow and gradual condition that worsens over months and years. Eventually, the confusion caused by Alzheimer’s interferes with basic daily tasks. Though there is no cure for this disease currently, scientists and researchers have uncovered different treatments that can prevent and alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Read More

10 Mar

MCTs are the Fatty Acid Your Body is Missing

coconut oilAmericans spent many years believing that fats were the enemy to weight loss and health. Today, we fortunately understand that aside from trans-fat and excessive saturated fats, a healthy dose of dietary fat is very good for overall wellness. MCT oil is no exception to the rule, but not many people realize just how vital MCT oil is to maximize long-term health.

A Brief Introduction to MCT Oil Read More

23 Feb

How Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Transform Wellness

fish oilIf you were stranded on a desert island, and could only have one nutritional supplement to keep your body functioning, what would you choose? Although it’s a silly question, your answer should be Omega-3 fatty acids.

It’s been shown in hundreds of studies that Omega-3s provide benefits for a wide range of health problems and discomforts. From depression and focus to joint support and heart health, omegas can take care of it.  Read More

04 Feb

Understanding COPD

lungsNow more than ever, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink is all loaded with damaging toxins and hazardous chemicals. This widespread pollution, made worse by habits like smoking, is causing COPD in far too many people.

Defining COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is not a singular disease itself, but rather an umbrella term for progressive lung diseases like chronic bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema. It affects more than 20 million people in our country today, so education and prevention are key. Read More

19 Jan

What Does It Mean to Be Gluten Free?

grainGluten has recently become a villain in the health food world, leading to a surge in gluten-free diets and food options. But what exactly is gluten, and why are so many people opting to become gluten-free?

About Gluten

Gluten is a protein that occurs in wheat, barley, and rye, which means it’s prevalent in nearly all common breads, baked goods, cereals, and even soups, sauces, and salad dressings. Read More

07 Jan

The Top 4 Reasons to Incorporate Flax Seeds into Your Daily Diet

omega 3Flax seeds don’t look like much to the naked eye, but underneath their tiny shells there is a powerhouse of nutrition just waiting to unleash itself in your body. In fact, flax seed are said to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods on Earth! From balancing hormones to clearing skin and supporting weight loss, flax seeds can help your body achieve just about anything.

They’re incredibly easy to add to any smoothie, yogurt, baked good, or granola. Flax blends well, so you can be healthy without really noticing it. If you still need more convincing, these five reasons should do the trick. Read More

20 Dec

Type 2 Diabetes: Stay Informed

diabetesGiven that 27 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, the condition is well known by the general population, but very few people truly understand why and how diabetes impacts the body. You may have a family member or friend with diabetes, or you may even be concerned about your own blood sugar health, but without understanding the inner workings of diabetes it can be difficult to seek treatment. Read More

10 Dec

Mental Health: The Overlooked Chronic Condition

debtCancer, diabetes, and heart disease are all chronic illnesses that garner a great deal of attention from the medical community and media. After all, chronic disease impacts 50 percent of Americans. Foundations exist to battle the chronic diseases, and education is widespread for patient information.

There is one chronic condition, however, that is often overlooked or forgotten: mental health conditions, especially in our nation’s youth.

The Impact of Chronic Mental Health Conditions Read More

15 Nov

What is Internal Medicine

woman with doctorWhen doctors receive their training and certification, it is usually in a certain field like surgery, pediatrics, or geriatrics. You’re probably familiar with a family doctor who can take patients young and old and pediatric doctors who focus strictly on the care of children. Internists, or doctors of internal medicine, focus strictly on the health of adults. Internists are unique for a few other reasons that make them a valuable asset for any adult aiming to maintain health, recover from illness, and anything in between. Read More