15 Apr

Your Annual Physical: Why It’s Important

Many people fail to get a physical each year. You may believe that there is no reason to go to the doctor if you are not ill, but preventative medicine can extend your life by several years or even decades. Preventative annual physicals are an important part of your self-care, and they should not be neglected. Here are some excellent reasons why your annual physical is important and you should schedule one today.

Early Diagnosis

Many health conditions are not severe for some time after they begin. With many health conditions and diseases, there are often no severe symptoms until the condition is well progressed. You may be experiencing some minor discomforts or nuisances that you may have dismissed that could be symptoms of a troubling condition. During an annual physical, your doctor will give you a complete examination and ask you questions about your lifestyle and symptoms. Often health conditions can be found early in this way, and they can be treated more effectively and quickly with early diagnosis.

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15 Feb

The Importance of Annual Physicals

Everyone understands the necessity of going to see your doctor when you are ill, but have you considered annual physicals? Annual physicals are an important part of maintaining your overall health. These yearly checkups are so important that many health insurance companies are now offering incentives for those who complete them. Annual physicals are important for many reasons.

Addressing Concerns

You may have some concerns about your health that don’t seem important enough for a special visit to your doctor. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get those concerns addressed. An annual physical is a great time to talk to your doctor about how to lose weight, quit smoking, get healthier, or address chronic pain or headaches. Your doctor can give you referrals and resources, and occasionally medications, to help with these general health concerns.

Early Detection of Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions have few symptoms in the early stages. It may be that you are experiencing symptoms of high blood pressure, diabetes, or other medical conditions without realizing it. A part of your annual physical is routine lab workups and blood pressure checks to detect these types of medical conditions in the early stages. Many medical conditions are more easily treated and controlled when they are detected early.

Assessing Medical Risks

There are some health factors that contribute to your risk of diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and other serious medical conditions. During your annual physical, your doctor will examine you and ask you about your lifestyle and medical history. This will allow them to accurately assess your risk for these medical conditions and provide you with advice and resources to mitigate your risk and keep you healthy.

If you haven’t had your annual physical yet this year, contact our offices to schedule an appointment. We look forward to assisting you in preventative medicine to keep you healthy for years to come.

15 Jul

How Can Resveratrol Keep You Young?

Resveratrol has gained a reputation as an essential ingredient to ongoing health, but do you know why? Ongoing research continues to reveal the benefits of resveratrol and its abilities to protect and enhance your health. Learn why and stock up on your own resveratrol now.

Reduce Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is Enemy Number One in your body. It occurs when the production of free radicals in your body is higher than your system’s ability to counteract them. Just like oxidation is responsible for the rust on your bike after it’s left in the rain, oxidation also has terrible impacts on the body.

You can blame oxidation for prematurely aging skin, cancer, and everything in-between. This is exactly why resveratrol is so valuable! As a potent antioxidant, resveratrol combats oxidative stress to protect cells from being damaged. Read More

19 May

Everything You Should Know about the New FDA-Approved Migraine Drug

Suffering from migraines is a serious health problem suffered by 39 million Americans. Migraine symptoms like nausea and throbbing pain actually disable 1 in 5 people who get them. These people are forced to call off from work, cancel plans with friends, and writhe in pain until the migraine finally ends.

It is possible that the FDA just transformed the ability for migraine sufferers to seek relief by approving Aimovig, the first in a new class of migraine drugs that aim to fight migraines before they start. If you have multiple migraine days a month, this medication could change your life. Read More

18 Mar

Your Coffee Habit Might Actually Be an Asset to Your Health

If your morning, afternoon, or evening isn’t complete without a cup of coffee in your hand, you can breathe a sigh of relief for your health. According to new research, coffee’s health benefits are more extensive than previously thought! It’s possible that your java habit might actually be an asset to your overall wellness. Here’s everything you need to know!

Commonly Known Benefits of Coffee Read More

10 Jun

Do You Understand How Light is Impacting Your Health?

It would be an understatement to say that Thomas Edison changed the world when he invented the lightbulb in 1879. In reality, he transformed the very way that people live their lives. Rather than going to bed with the sunset and waking with the sunrise, artificial light has made it possible to extend the day for as many hours as we need. Unfortunately, health experts believe that this ability has also created extensive and damaging health effects on the human body. Read More

20 Apr

What is a Pap Smear and Why Does It Matter?

It’s no secret that men and women have many significant differences, especially when it comes to their reproductive and sexual health. These differences shouldn’t be taken lightly, since they require males and females to seek different types of preventative health services. For women, a pap test checks for cervical cancer, a deadly disease that kills more than 4,000 women a year. As a preventative screening, the pap test or pap smear can identify cervical abnormalities early enough to help women escape the threat of cervical cancer unscathed. Read More

21 Mar

Preventative Screenings Can Save Your Life

If there was a simple, affordable, painless way to save your life or the life of someone you love, would you do it? The answer to that question is a resounding “yes!”, but many people don’t realize that a simple and affordable lifesaving measure already exists in the form of preventative health screenings. Believe it or not, if every adult in the United States received the recommended preventative screenings for their age, more than 100,000 lives could be saved each year. That’s a stunning statistic that should encourage you to begin your own preventative screenings. Read More

10 Dec

Wondering Why You Need the Flu Shot?

flu-shotNow that winter has arrived in full force, you most likely hear advertisements from doctor’s offices and drug stores encouraging the flu shot. Have you already received your flu shot, or do you disregard the commercials and assume you are healthy enough without a vaccination? The truth is, the flu shot is an important component to overall public health, and by getting your flu shot you’re not just protecting yourself, but others as well. Read More

20 Oct

The Secrets of Sleep and Health

sleep-apnea-4Humans are blessed with diverse skills and abilities; while some of us can juggle and run lightning fast, others can tie words into beautiful stories or sing elegant harmonies. But there is one thing that all humans have in common: the need for sleep. Like gravity, sleep is a fundamental element to life on Earth. No human being can survive without sleep. While the entire concept of sleep still has an element of mystery to it, scientists understand sleep better than ever before, especially in relation to its impact on human health. Read More