10 Oct

Tips for Safeguarding Your Immune System this Winter

46049812 - immune system conceptSummer sunshine, and all of its vitamin D glory, tends to keep illness at bay. But as autumn and winter roll around, your immune system may need a bit more support staying strong and fighting off common seasonal illnesses. Here are a few simple ways that you can stay healthy and avoid using all of your accumulated employee sick days this winter.

Make Water Your Best Friend Read More

10 Sep

This Flu Season, Steer Clear of Nasal Sprays

sick-at-workWhen the summer season gives way to fall and winter, the flu season start to simultaneously rear its ugly head. Though the flu is merely an uncomfortable inconvenience for most people, it can actually prove fatal to young children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all able Americans receive a flu shot each fall to minimize the potential for an outbreak. Read More

10 May

The Baby Aspirin Controversy

baby aspirinBaby Aspirin has become viewed by many older Americans as a “panacea” that offers all-encompassing protection against heart attack, stroke, and other dangerous conditions. For many years, this mindset was supported by nearly every medical community, particularly the U.S Preventive Services Task Force, who all endorsed the use of baby aspirin  for men aged 45-79 and women aged 55-79. However, as with all medical recommendations, the support for baby aspirin has altered in 2016.

The Support for Baby Aspirin

The most recent buzz about baby aspirin actually doesn’t relate to heart attacks or strokes at all. Instead, men and women between the ages of 50 and 59 can take a baby aspirin of 81 mg daily to lower their risk of colon cancer. It’s recommended that these men and women only use baby aspirin if they have risk factor for heart disease like family history, smoking, being overweight, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Read More

15 Nov

What is Internal Medicine

woman with doctorWhen doctors receive their training and certification, it is usually in a certain field like surgery, pediatrics, or geriatrics. You’re probably familiar with a family doctor who can take patients young and old and pediatric doctors who focus strictly on the care of children. Internists, or doctors of internal medicine, focus strictly on the health of adults. Internists are unique for a few other reasons that make them a valuable asset for any adult aiming to maintain health, recover from illness, and anything in between. Read More

11 Jun

The Importance of Having an Annual Well Woman Examination

gynecologyWhen you’re outwardly displaying signs of illness; such as sickness, pain or injury to the body, it’s likely you’ll book an appointment with a medical expert to get things checked out.

However, when it comes to certain parts of the body, this isn’t so easy. Health problems can develop internally, often without producing any signs or symptoms until they’re well established. This is why having a regular well-woman examination is so important. Read More

05 May

Annual Check-Up: Why It Makes Sense to Have a Yearly Physical Exam

annual examDespite the value of having a yearly physical examination, many people across the US don’t tend to bother with it. This could be for a variety of reasons. Time could be limited or funds stretched; and having an annual health check-up might just feel like a bit of a luxury, rather than a necessity.

Creating the Right Care Plan

There are actually many advantages for having an annual physical exam, and furthermore, booking yourself in for a yearly check-up could end up saving you money in the long term. Read More

07 Apr

The Benefits of Preventative Health Screenings

In today’s busy world, most people are not seeking out medical attention, until they begin to experience the signs and symptoms of a serious disease. However, chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer are responsible for the majority of deaths in the United States. Many of these conditions can be prevented through regular screenings and doctor visits, or otherwise detected early, before they pose a serious threat.  Read More

05 Feb

Who Needs Preventative Health Screenings and Why?

There is no doubt that the cost of healthcare has increased exponentially over the years. This gives you more than enough reason to make sure you are healthy and fit. Unfortunately, even though you have the best intentions at heart, serious health issues can arise regardless of any and all precautionary measures being in place beforehand. However, with the help of preventive health screenings, you can have a better understanding of your health and whether you are at the risk of medical conditions like heart attacks or a stroke. Read More