20 Oct

Three Lab Tests Your Doctor Should Order Annually

You may have heard that you should be having a complete examination on an annual basis, but did you know that there are also some lab tests that should be checked annually? These lab tests are usually done as part of an annual physical. But if you have not had these tests recently, you should consider getting them done. Here are three tests your doctor should be checking annually.

Metabolic Panel

A metabolic panel is a comprehensive variety of tests done on blood drawn to determine if there are any issues with glucose level, fluid balance, kidney function, and liver function. The metabolic panel aims for early detection of kidney, liver, and other health problems. 

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10 Oct

The Importance of Routine Well Woman Exams

Most women are conscious of their health, and your sexual and reproductive health is also important. Just as you should see your primary doctor each year for a complete physical and blood workup, so too should you be seeing your doctor for a well woman exam on an annual or biannual basis. Here’s what you need to know about well woman exams and why they are important.

What Is a Well Woman Exam?

A well woman exam will allow the doctor to check your reproductive organs and sexual health. The well woman exam may include a pap smear, a pelvic exam, or both, depending on the appointment and your age. Well woman exams detect issues with the reproductive or sexual organs.

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20 Sep

The Difference Between Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis

Do you have a lot of pain in your joints? Do you frequently feel stiff? Have you had some recent fractures? All of these symptoms can add up to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, or both. Learn what these conditions are, how they differ, and how to determine if you are at risk.

What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a condition that usually sets in at an older age and is typically caused by a lack of calcium in the body and the bones. Osteoporosis causes the bones in the body to become more brittle and more easily broken. This can also affect your joints because the bones of the joints can deteriorate with osteoporosis. 

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10 Sep

Three Surprising Ways Diabetes Affects Your Life

A diagnosis of diabetes is never something that someone wants to hear. Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it will affect many aspects of your life and for the rest of your life. There is no cure for diabetes, although it can sometimes be managed with just diet and exercise if you are careful and do not have severe fluctuations in blood sugar. Here are three ways diabetes will affect your life that you may not have considered.

Dining Out

When you want to dine out, it will be much more difficult than ever before. You will have to make sure that you are always monitoring how much sugar and carbs you are ingesting in order to control your blood sugar. It is not always easy to tell from a menu description if something has sugar in it or not. You may find yourself needing to ask more questions of the waiters and kitchen staff before being able to make a healthy decision when you go out to eat.

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20 Aug

Why You Should Not Put Off Going to the Doctor—Even If You’re Broke

Many people put off going to the doctor for a variety of reasons, but one of the most common reasons is because they can’t afford it. Did you know that 14 percent of the population of Florida, over 2.8 million people, were without health insurance last year? Without health insurance, seeing a doctor might seem like more than you can afford. Yet if you do not see a doctor, your expenses could often be greater.

Early Detection, Easier Treatment

With most medical conditions and illnesses, the earlier that it is detected, diagnosed, and treated, the easier it will be to treat and heal the problem. If you don’t have health insurance, you might wait to see if something gets better on its own. Yet as soon as it is clear that it is not, you need to go ahead and see a doctor. If you wait, treatment could be much more complex (and expensive).

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10 Aug

The Difference Between a Primary Care Doctor and an Internist

When you are looking for a new doctor, the terminology can be confusing. There are a lot of different doctors with different specialties, and it is normal for the average person to be unaware of what different types of doctors actually do. 

What Is a Primary Care Doctor?

When you get health insurance, you are usually required to have a primary care doctor. Many people think that this is a certain type of doctor, but it is not. The term “primary care” simply means that this is the doctor that will be your primary healthcare professional. Typically, all of your referrals to specialists, for lab work, or for imaging will go through your primary care doctor. But a primary care doctor can be an internist, a family practice doctor, a geriatrics specialist, or a pediatrician, depending on the age and situation of the patient.

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15 Jul

Three Reasons to Have a Primary Care Doctor

Do you tend to go to the emergency room or urgent care when illness or injury strikes? You could be saving yourself a lot of time and money by having a primary care doctor. Your insurance company wants you to have one primary doctor that you see for minor ailments and disease management alike. Here are three great reasons to have a primary care doctor.

Managed Coordinated Care

When you have a primary care doctor, all of your healthcare professionals have one central point of contact. Your primary care doctor serves as the go between for all of your other healthcare professionals and specialists. Primary care doctors are usually the ones to discover medication interactions or conflicting therapies. 

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15 Jun

The Importance of Preventative Screenings

One of the founding principles of Western medicine in recent years is prevention. The healthcare system has finally recognized the truth of the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In fact, preventative screenings and physical examinations are a great way to make sure that you remain healthy and live a long and fulfilling life. Here are some of the reasons you should be getting regular preventative screenings.

Warning Signs

Preventative screenings for metrics such as cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose, and others are important because they can be warnings of worse health to come if you do not change your lifestyle. If you have these screenings done on a routine basis, an elevation in the numbers can be an indication that something needs to change before it becomes a problem. This gives you a chance to take these warnings for what they are and make lasting lifestyle changes that will improve and protect your health.

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15 May

Why You Shouldn’t Put Off Your Annual Physical

You have probably heard that you should have an annual physical with your primary care doctor each year. Yet how often have you followed this advice? Many people skip their annual physicals because they feel they are in decent health and that it is not necessary. However, there are some very good reasons not to skip or put off your annual physical this year.

Routine Testing

There is some routine testing that should be done each year, especially as you get older and your risk factors increase. You should have your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and other routine blood work to ensure that there are no underlying problems waiting to be diagnosed. The metrics that are checked by your doctor during your physical are risk factors for other illnesses, and it is important that you know what they are and whether or not treatment is required.

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15 Apr

Your Annual Physical: Why It’s Important

Many people fail to get a physical each year. You may believe that there is no reason to go to the doctor if you are not ill, but preventative medicine can extend your life by several years or even decades. Preventative annual physicals are an important part of your self-care, and they should not be neglected. Here are some excellent reasons why your annual physical is important and you should schedule one today.

Early Diagnosis

Many health conditions are not severe for some time after they begin. With many health conditions and diseases, there are often no severe symptoms until the condition is well progressed. You may be experiencing some minor discomforts or nuisances that you may have dismissed that could be symptoms of a troubling condition. During an annual physical, your doctor will give you a complete examination and ask you questions about your lifestyle and symptoms. Often health conditions can be found early in this way, and they can be treated more effectively and quickly with early diagnosis.

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