26 Dec

Hidden Sodium in Foods: How to Eat Low-Salt to Control Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure, reducing your sodium intake is one of the most important diet changes you can make. According to one study, lowering dietary sodium intake decreased the systolic blood pressure (the top number) in 75% of patients tested. Too much sodium causes your body to retain excess water, which increases blood pressure and puts additional stress on your heart and kidneys. While most people think of sodium as just the salt they sprinkle on food, the reality is that most of the sodium in our diets comes from places you’d never think of. Understanding where sodium hides in the foods you eat every day can help you make smarter choices and help keep your blood pressure under control. Read More

25 Jun

How to Eat for Good Health

Are you looking for ways to improve your health? Eating a healthy diet is a great way to start. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to eat for good health. We’ll cover the benefits of eating a balanced diet and provide some tips on how to make healthy eating easier. So, whether you’re just starting out on your journey to better health or you’re looking for new ideas, read on! Read More

15 Dec

Why Getting Enough Vitamin D Is Important in the Winter

It is important to be sure we are getting a well-balanced combination of vitamins and minerals through our diets and supplementation if needed. When we don’t get enough of the vitamins and minerals the body needs, our health suffers. One of the most important vitamins we need every day is vitamin D.

Why do we need vitamin D?

Vitamin D plays an important role in strengthening bones. It also contributes to the nerve, muscle, and immune health. People deficient in vitamin D are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis, bone disorders, diabetes, hypertension, and some types of cancer. There has even been a link discovered between low vitamin D levels and depression. Read More

15 Jul

Probiotics vs Prebiotics

Probiotics vs PrebioticsPrebiotic and probiotic are terms you’ve likely seen in articles or advertising. But what exactly are prebiotics and probiotics? Do you need to choose one or the other? Is a supplement required, or can you get them from your diet? What are they even good for? Follow this guide for everything you need to know about probiotics and prebiotics.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in your digestive system. These bacteria help break down food to create energy for your body, boost your immune system, and have also shown benefits for other body systems. Read More

15 Jan

National Oatmeal Month: How Oatmeal-Based Products Help Your Skin

If you go into the skincare section of nearly any drug store, you are going to find many different products made from oatmeal for the treatment of several skin conditions. Oatmeal-based products can do a lot for your skin. In fact, you can even make oatmeal at home for these remedies. Here are just a few of the ways you can use oatmeal in your skincare routine.

Acne Treatment

Oatmeal contains zinc, which reduces inflammation and kills the bacteria that can cause acne. Some acne such as black heads are caused by clogged pores. This acne can also be cleared up by oatmeal because it contains compounds called saponins, which are known for their cleansing properties. Oatmeal will clean out the pore that is clogged causing the black head or pimple.

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15 Dec

Get Healthy in 2019 With the Elimination Diet

Are you one of the millions of Americans dealing with a chronic condition like migraines, joint pain, or ongoing fatigue? Most of us have at least one condition holding us back from enjoying an optimal quality of life, but we rarely identify the true cause of our chronic issues.

The truth is, your eczema or chronic inflammation isn’t just the result of stress or bad luck. Your eating habits could be causing and dictating their health concerns. If you find yourself experiencing any ongoing health issues, but don’t know their root cause, the elimination diet is for you.

An Introduction to the Elimination Diet

The elimination diet is designed to reveal and identify food intolerances and sensitivities that could be causing problematic symptoms like migraines, fatigue, inflammation, weight gain, and more. Food intolerances have become dramatically more prevalent over the last decade due to the growing contamination of foods and beverages with artificial ingredients, GMOs, and other dangerous components. Read More

15 Nov

The Real Reasons You Need a Prebiotic

You probably know that taking a probiotic boosts your immune system by strengthening the good bacteria in your gut. But did you know that prebiotics are also important to your overall health?

Achieving good health isn’t just about killing the bad bacteria in your body; it’s about supporting and nurturing the billions of good bacteria that help your body function optimally. Here’s what you should know about adding a prebiotic to your daily routine, especially during the winter when illnesses are most prevalent!

What Are Prebiotics?

Prebiotics are natural food components that aren’t actually digestible in the body. Instead of being digested, prebiotics promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut as they pass through. They are a special form of dietary fiber that act as fertilizer for the good bacteria in your body. Unlike other nutrients and probiotics, they can’t be harmed or threatened by heat, cold, acid, or time. This allows prebiotics to stimulate numerous health benefits, even in people who are already relatively healthy. Read More

15 Aug

The Importance of an Alkaline Body

Does your body feel off-balance? Perhaps you are overwhelmed by fatigue or confused by your migraine headaches. You might blame age or stress for your health issues, but the truth is that most chronic conditions begin when the body is no longer alkaline.

More and more people are starting to acknowledge the role of an alkaline body in avoiding common ailments. So what exactly is alkalinity, and how can you achieve it in your body?

What Does It Mean to Be Alkaline?

Alkaline is the opposite of acidic on a pH scale. Conventional Western medicine rarely takes pH into consideration, but it plays a vital role in health. Most of us don’t realize that a chronic pH imbalance will leave our bodies weak and susceptible to disease. The foods and drinks you choose each day directly influence the amount of acid in your body. Soda, for example, is very acidic, so a heavy soda drinker will struggle to neutralize that acid in the body. Read More

17 Jun

Signs You Need More Vitamin B12

Exhaustion is a sensation that most of us have accepted as a fact of life. Between busy work schedules, demanding social obligations, financial stresses, housework, and everything in between, it’s no mystery why most people drop into bed completely exhausted at the end of the day.

However, you shouldn’t have to cope with this chronic feeling of fatigue. Even with a busy schedule, the right nutrition can help you push through the day with the energy you need. If you find it difficult to maintain your daily tasks, you could be suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 plays many vital roles in the body, and without enough of it, the body simply cannot function at the level your schedule requires. Read More