11 Mar

Magnesium is Essential to Your Health: Do You Know Why?

There are many different nutrients that play vital roles within the body, which means that when the body becomes deficient in those nutrients, symptoms of illness begin to appear. Magnesium is one of the most essential macro-minerals needed by the body, yet most people don’t receive enough magnesium on a regular basis.

The Role of Magnesium in the Body

Magnesium is one of the seven essential minerals that the body needs in relatively large amounts each day. This means it doesn’t just play a small role in the body. Quite the opposite: magnesium makes it possible for more than 300 enzymatic reactions to function in the body, from metabolism of food and transmission of nerve impulses to synthesis of fatty acids and proteins. All of this means that magnesium makes it possible for the body to produce and use energy, contract and relax muscles, and control vital body functions. In short, it’s totally essential to health and wellness. Read More

10 Feb

Everything You Never Knew about the Dreaded Stomach Flu

Getting sick is always a miserable experience, but the stomach flu, also known as the norovirus, pops up this time of year to add insult to injury. The 2017 January through March stomach flu season has proven to be about normal, with reports of the illness spreading around the country like wildfire. If you haven’t fallen victim to the stomach flu yet, keep your fingers crossed that you can remain so lucky. Read More

12 Jan

How Much Iron is Enough?

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Iron is a critical nutrient for you body, and too much or too little can lead to very unpleasant side effects. It’s important to understand how iron contributes to your overall wellness, as well as recognize the signs of iron deficiency. This is especially true if you are pregnant, since your developing child will demand iron as well.

The Role of Iron In the Body

Iron is an essential mineral that helps send oxygen throughout the body. This means that iron plays a vital role in hemoglobin, which is the component of red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs and distributes it to different areas of the body. Without enough iron, your body can’t efficiently support the red blood cells necessary for oxygen distribution. As Paul Thomas, a scientific consultant to the National Institutes of Health explains, “If you’re not getting sufficient oxygen in the body, you’re going to become fatigued.” That type of exhaustion doesn’t just make you tired, but also stunts brain function and immune system strength. Read More

20 Dec

Managing Your High Cholesterol

39043175 - cholesterol plaque in arteryYour cholesterol level probably isn’t something you think twice about until you become an adult, but it’s a critically important component of your overall health and can indicate your risk of serious illnesses like heart disease and heart attack. If you have your cholesterol checked only to find that it is considerably higher than it should be, you will need to begin cholesterol management with the help of your doctor. Here are some of the basics that can help you return your cholesterol to a safe level. Read More

10 Dec

Wondering Why You Need the Flu Shot?

flu-shotNow that winter has arrived in full force, you most likely hear advertisements from doctor’s offices and drug stores encouraging the flu shot. Have you already received your flu shot, or do you disregard the commercials and assume you are healthy enough without a vaccination? The truth is, the flu shot is an important component to overall public health, and by getting your flu shot you’re not just protecting yourself, but others as well. Read More

20 Nov

Brush and Floss to Keep Your Heart Healthy

brushing-teeth-1It’s easy to connect obesity and unhealthy eating habits with heart health risks, but what about gum disease? As it turns out, there is a close link between a person’s oral health and heart health. Grab your toothbrush and floss, because it could save your life.

Oral Hygiene and Heart Health

Simply put, if your mouth is unhealthy, your heart might be too. Research is still in the works, but here is what we do know.  The gums inside of the mouth are vascular, which means they are full of blood vessels, and the mouth itself is filled with bacteria. When unhealthy gums become inflamed, the dangerous bacteria in the mouth can seep into the bloodstream and travel anywhere within the body, creating more inflammation as they go. This is incredibly dangerous, especially to the heart. Read More

10 Nov

Three Things to Know about Chronic Disease Management

10662668 - chronic diseasesDisease. It’s not something we like to think about, but we also can’t pretend to be completely invincible against it. If you find yourself battling any type of disease, it is absolutely critical that you find an internal medicine doctor who can help you fight, treat, and perhaps even cure your chronic disease. Living with your illness does not have to be a death sentence, and the right disease management can help you reclaim your quality of life and wellbeing. Read More

20 Oct

The Secrets of Sleep and Health

sleep-apnea-4Humans are blessed with diverse skills and abilities; while some of us can juggle and run lightning fast, others can tie words into beautiful stories or sing elegant harmonies. But there is one thing that all humans have in common: the need for sleep. Like gravity, sleep is a fundamental element to life on Earth. No human being can survive without sleep. While the entire concept of sleep still has an element of mystery to it, scientists understand sleep better than ever before, especially in relation to its impact on human health. Read More

10 Oct

Tips for Safeguarding Your Immune System this Winter

46049812 - immune system conceptSummer sunshine, and all of its vitamin D glory, tends to keep illness at bay. But as autumn and winter roll around, your immune system may need a bit more support staying strong and fighting off common seasonal illnesses. Here are a few simple ways that you can stay healthy and avoid using all of your accumulated employee sick days this winter.

Make Water Your Best Friend Read More

20 Sep

Why Are Young Women More Stressed than Their Male Peers?

stress-womanStress. We all have it, most of us on a daily basis. From work and relationships to financial issues, stress can feel overwhelming on many days and completely all-consuming on particularly bad days. It’s well known that stress can impact your health in a number of ways, but this is especially true for young women struggling with heart disease. New research has just unveiled the startling proof that stress impacts women far more than their male peers. Read More